Friday, March 4, 2011

25. The fact that the democrats didn't want the government to decide were money went made it hard to mobilize the US economy for war.

26. The work or fight rule stated that any unemployed males would be immediately drafted.

27. The National War Labor Board pressed employers to raise wages and implement an 8-hour work day.

28. The IWW's engineered some of the most damaging industrial sabotage. Their justification was that they worked in the worst working conditions in the nation.

29. Laborer's support for the war was rewarded with increased AF of L membership and a 20% wage increase in unionized sectors.

30. 1919, over 250K steel workers walked of the job. Steel Companies wouldn't given and brought in blacks as strike breakers. The strike collapsed and crippled the Union Movement.

31. An influx of African Americans in the Northern cities caused interracial tension and violence. For two weeks in July 1912, white and black gangs roamed the streets of Chicago at night killing people. 12 white died and around 30 blacks died.

 It's all yours Reine-Marie,

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